DT Opens give everybody the opportunity to visit Dublin TEFL and meet our expert tutor team for free.
Given the global nature of the events, they're not open mornings, afternoons or evenings but simply 'opens'.
Going Off-script: Developing Listening Skills with authentic material
Free webinar from DipTESOL tutor, Shaun Sweeney. How can we help learners with authentic materials when listening. Unscripted spoken texts cause huge problems for our learners. How can we help them with phonological connected speech features to aid decoding?
Authenticity: keeping it real
Teachers, learners, materials writers and assessment boards often strive for authenticity in language use. Definition of the concept is not trouble-free, but balanced against the alternatives – contrived, artificial language input and use, most practitioners would ally themselves easily with the concept of authenticity. The focus of this workshop will be on two key areas:
Reactivity: Techniques and Ideas for your DipTESOL or Delta
In number 3 in our 'Get Dip-Ready' open events we'll be looking at learning opportunities and emerging language. Flexibly adapting lesson plans on-the-go to respond to student output is cited as a key challenge by many candidates on Dip or Delta courses. Let's explore how to react, respond and adapt to the unpredictability of the classroom
5 things you might rethink on your Dip or Delta
We can spend so much time and effort perfecting our technique when we initially qualify that we end up being guided by what John Fanselow termed 'invisible rules' 30-odd years ago (Fanselow, 1987). Identifying our own rules and consciously breaking them or throwing them into question is one useful way we can develop as teachers.
10 ways to prepare for your Dip or Delta
Considering a course or already signed up?
This session includes:
Expert Advice: what books to read and where to find relevant resources.
Practical Ideas: how to develop your ability to apply your knowledge and reflect on your own practice.
Study tips: how to ensure success in your assessments.
Jason Anderson: Contemporary lesson planning frameworks in TESOL
This talk will explore both well known frameworks for structuring lessons (e.g., PPP, TBLT), and my recent contributions in this area (CAP, TATE), considering them from the perspectives of pre-service education, novice teacher development, and in experienced teachers' practice, with reference both to private language school ELT and more challenging state school contexts. We will explore how these frameworks can scaffold teacher development as we move towards freer, more responsive approaches to lesson planning and in-class improvisation as knowledge and confidence increase. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own use of such frameworks and offer their own perspectives on the teacher education trajectory proposed.
Emma Meade-Flynn & Shaun Sweeney - Teaching Online: The Pedagogical Distance Puzzle
In this workshop, we will explore past and current language learning resources to determine how representative they are in terms of of gender, race, ability and sexuality, and what steps as educators can take in order to create more inclusive learning and training resources.
Simon Dunton - Inclusivity & diversity in language teaching.
In this workshop, we will explore past and current language learning resources to determine how representative they are in terms of of gender, race, ability and sexuality, and what steps as educators can take in order to create more inclusive learning and training resources.
Leo Selivan - What do we teach when we teach L2 vocabulary?
In this workshop, Leo will explore how we teach vocabulary and the importance of collocation and word grammar.
Mark Hancock: IPA - Symbols of Power?
In this workshop, Mark will explore how we can use the IPA and phonemic chart to empower ourselves regardless of our accent.
Danny Norrington Davies: Working with Emerging Language
In this workshop, Danny explored the different ways in which teachers work with emergent language during classes and outlined some tips and techniques for helping teachers develop their skills in this area.